First Enhanced Email Inbox
The enhanced email inbox has been updated and this page is no longer relevant. This help page only exists for those users needing to clean up Unhandled email items from the First version of the Enhanced Email Inbox.
Summary of the various elements of the window
- Unhanded Email;. List of email successfully filed to a client but not yet handled. Handled is simply telling the system this item no longer needs to appear on the unhanlded list of email items.
- Open Unhandled Email Window;
- Double click to view and respond to the email
- Right click to open the client window making all client information available before responding to the email.
- When done with the email Click the Floating button “Mark Selected Handled” and the email item(s) are removed from the unhandled list. Handled Email items have an additional time stamp in the Transactional History description showing the date and time the email was handled.
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