Applied – EPIC
What is included in the conversion from EPIC to Newton by Agency Systems? If it is not listed it is not converted!
- Clients
- Name, DBA, Address, City State Zip, Phone Numbers, Producer, CSR
- Client Contacts
- Contact Name, Email, Phone (Office, Home, Cell as available)
- We may create a contact from the client information in addition to normal contacts. The theory being it is easier to remove a contact than add one.
- Polices
- Basic policy information is common to all policies including effective/expiration dates, policy number, producer, class, transaction
- NOTE: Duplicate policy numbers are not allowed in Newton. Common quote numbers like TBA, Pending, TBD, etc. are changed to add a unique number to the existing number.
- Policy numbers shared among more than 1 client must be changed prior to conversion. Recommend adding the client number to the end of the policy number.
- Premium is populated in the Estimated Annualized Premium field in Newton.
- NOTE: This premium does not hit the general ledger
- Data will be converted going back 5 years
- Basic policy information is common to all policies including effective/expiration dates, policy number, producer, class, transaction
- Activity Notes
- Appear in the Newton Activity Tab. (Not in Basic Tab Activity)
- Suspense
- Converted to Newton suspense
- Certificates
- We convert only holders and special wording and attach to each policy. This is a far better way to convert this data than converting each certificate.
- Holders must be in the “Certificate Holders” table which is populated by typing in the certificate holder during certificate creation, as we understand EPIC. There are several other tables which appear to hold data created by download as well as user entry, tying a holder to a specific line on a policy. Due to the many redundancies we see created by download, we do not convert these holder tables.
- Attachments
- Documents attached to clients, including letters and email attachments, are converted to the Newton Attachments.
- Documents not attached to clients are not converted.
- IF attachment files or blobs are encrypted they must be decrypted by the vendor or cannot be converted.
- Drivers
- We convert schedules of drivers to the Basic Tab in Newton with details like Name, License No. DOB. etc.
- Data comes from Personal and BA Drivers.
- Active or Inactive status is determined by the policy expiration date to which the driver is associated.
- Drivers license number in conjunction with customer number prevents duplication of drivers. Missing drivers license numbers will have an adverse affect on the converted data.
- This data can be used to fill applications.
- Vehicles
- We convert schedules of vehicles to the Basic Tab in Newton with details like year, make, model etc.
- Data comes from Personal and BA vehicles.
- Active or Inactive status is determined by the policy expiration date to which the vehicle is associated.
- VIN number in conjunction with customer number prevents duplication of vehicles. Missing VIN numbers will have an adverse affect on the converted data.
- This data can be used to fill applications.
- Property Locations
- We convert schedules of property to the Basic Tab in Newton with details like location address, building value, coverage type, deductible, special forms etc.
- Data comes from commercial locations.
- Active or Inactive status is determined by the policy expiration date to which the location is associated.
- Unique identifier is used to prevent duplicates however if the property is listed under multiple identifiers duplicates will be created in the conversion.
- This data can be used to fill applications.
- Note; This data appears to be mostly commercial. Personal property locations and information will only be obtained for those companies with which you download assuming the download risk is not purged.
- Download Risk
- We reconstruct the archived download files, from companies with which you currently download. This risk information can be viewed under the DL Risk tab in Newton. In addition this information can be used to create schedules, (drivers, vehicles, properties, coverage views) and can be used to create applications.
- We go back 3 years for this data if available. Often the data is only available for 1 year, the active policies.
- NOTE; If you purge this data it will not be available for conversion
Basic Setup Items
- Companies
- Name, Address, Phone Numbers
- All companies set to direct bill by default; Can set all companies to agency bill.
- Producer/Users
- Options
- Missing producers are defaulted to code “HOU” (House) You may specify a different default code.
- Options
- Class Codes/Line of Business
- Transaction Codes