Forms Boss
What is included in the conversion from Forms Boss to Newton by Agency Systems? If it is not listed it is not converted!
- Clients
- Name, DBA, Address, City State Zip, Phones
- Client Contacts
- Name, Address, City State Zip, Phones
- Polices
- Basic policy information is common to all policies including effective/expiration dates, policy number, producer, class, transaction
- NOTE: Duplicate policy numbers are not allowed in Newton. Common quote numbers like TBA, Pending, TBD, etc. are changed to add a unique number to the existing number.
- Data will be converted going back 5 years
- Basic policy information is common to all policies including effective/expiration dates, policy number, producer, class, transaction
- Transactions
- There is a very basic list of transactions which we can convert. These consist primarily of records of forms that were created and policy transactions like renewals and endorsements.
- Attachment Files
- We are NOT able to convert attachments at this time. These files are stored as binary data without a file type and when extracted do not extract into a readable format.
Basic Setup Items
- Companies
- Producer/Users
- Options
- Missing producers are defaulted to code “HOU” (House) You may specify a different default code.
- Options
- Class Codes/Line of Business