MI Assistant
What is included in the conversion from MI Assistant to Newton by Agency Systems? If it is not listed it is not converted!
- Clients & Prospects
- Name, DBA, Address, City State Zip, Phone Numbers, Producer, CSR
- Client & Prospect Contacts
- Contact Name, Email, Phone (Office, Home, Cell as available)
- Contact is created from the customer record as well as the family table to pickup other family members
- Polices
- Basic policy information is common to all policies including effective/expiration dates, policy number, producer, class, transaction
- NOTE: Duplicate policy numbers are not allowed in Newton. Common quote numbers like TBA, Pending, TBD, etc. are changed to add a unique number to the existing number.
- Policy numbers shared among more than 1 client must be changed prior to conversion. Recommend adding the client number to the end of the policy number.
- Premium is populated in the Estimated Annualized Premium field in Newton.
- NOTE: This premium does not hit the general ledger
- Data will be converted going back 5 years unless other arrangements are made
- Basic policy information is common to all policies including effective/expiration dates, policy number, producer, class, transaction
- Quick Notes
- Are converted to the Newton Customer Notes as a highlighted item.
- Follow-ups
- Convert into Newton Suspense items by customer and maintain the open/closed status.
- Transaction Log
- Converted to Activity Link on basic tab in Newton including date, user, and memo data.
- Images/Attachments
- Documents attached to clients and policies, are converted to the Newton Attachments.
- Memos attached to clients and policies, are converted to the Newton Attachments.
- IF attachment files or blobs are encrypted they must be decrypted by the vendor or cannot be converted.
- Drivers
- We convert schedules of drivers to the Basic Tab in Newton with details like Name, License No. DOB. etc.
- Data comes from Family table
- All drivers are assumed active unless they are under 15 years of age.
- This data can be used to fill applications.
- Vehicles
- We convert schedules of vehicles to the Basic Tab in Newton with details like year, make, model etc.
- Data comes from PA Vehicles and CBA vehicles. (There are other tables in the data but these tables have not held data in the conversions we have performed to date.)
- Active or Inactive status is determined by the policy expiration date to which the vehicle is associated.
- This data can be used to fill applications.
Basic Setup Items
- Companies
- Name, Address, Phone Numbers
- All companies set to direct bill by default; Can set all companies to agency bill.
- Producer/Users
- Options
- Missing producers/users are defaulted to code “HOU” (House) You may specify a different default code.
- Options
- Class Codes/Line of Business
- Transaction Codes
- Renewal, New, Cancel, etc.