Vertafore – 360
What is included in the conversion from 360to Newton by Agency Systems? If it is not listed it is not converted!
- Clients
- Name, DBA, Address, City State Zip, Phone Numbers, Producer, CSR
- Options
- May exclude prospects.
- Client Contacts
- Contact Name, Email, Phone (Office, Home, Cell as available)
- We will create a contact from the client information in addition to normal contacts. The theory being it is easier to remove a contact than add one.
- Polices
- Basic policy information is common to all policies including effective/expiration dates, policy number, producer, class, transaction
- NOTE: Duplicate policy numbers are not allowed in Newton. Common quote numbers like TBA, Pending, TBD, etc. are changed to add a unique number to the existing number.
- Policy numbers shared among more than 1 client must be changed prior to conversion. Recommend adding the client number to the end of the policy number.
- Premium is populated in the Estimated Annualized Premium field on the Newton policy from the Full Term Premium that exists on the policy record in 360. We cannot convert data coming from the accounting in 360 which is most often different from the full term premium .
- NOTE: This premium does not hit the general ledger
- NOTE: Installment premiums are not included
- Data will be converted going back 7 years unless other arrangements are made
- Basic policy information is common to all policies including effective/expiration dates, policy number, producer, class, transaction
- Sticky Notes
- Converted into the Newton Customer Notes
- TFiling/History
- Converted into the Newton activity tab. (data comes from the 360 transaction table)
- Also convert Policy Notes as part of the transaction history. This data appears in the Activity link on the Basic Tab. (data comes from LongHistRemark table)
- Suspense
- Convert into Newton Suspense items by customer and maintain the open/closed status.
- Letters
- Converted to Newton Attachments as text files.
- Form letters are not converted.
- Images/Attachments
- Documents including email attachments are converted to the Newton Attachments.
- Documents are linked to Policy Activity on the Newton Basic Tab when a policy is involved.
- Image files and letters must be de-crypted by Vertafore prior to conversion.
- Claims
- Basic claims information including payment items are converted into Newton Claims.
- Download Risk
- We import the archived download files which can be viewed under the DL Risk tab in Newton and can be used to create applications. This gives you a good deal of risk information for those companies with which you download.
- NOTE: Initial loads are recommended for carriers for which you will have download functionality.
- We import the archived download files which can be viewed under the DL Risk tab in Newton and can be used to create applications. This gives you a good deal of risk information for those companies with which you download.
- Drivers, Vehicles
- We convert commercial schedules of these items from all active policies to the Basic Tab in Newton with details like VIN, License, Name, Make, Model, Limits, etc.This data can be used to fill applications.
- Property Locations
- We convert commercial Locations, Buildings and Subjects of insurance as would show on the ACORD 140 to the Basic Tab in Newton. This data can be used to fill applications.
- Equipment
- We convert commercial schedules of these items from all active policies to the Basic Tab in Newton with details like Serial No., Make, Model, Value, etc. This data can be used to fill applications.
- Certificates
- We convert only holders and special wording and attach to each policy. This is a far better way to convert this data than converting each certificate.
Basic Setup Items
- Companies
- Name, Address, Phone Numbers.
- All companies set to direct bill by default; Can set all companies to agency bill
- Classes / Lines of Business
- Producers / Staff
- Converted directly using the codes from 360.
- Options
- Missing producers are defaulted to code “HOU” (House) You may specify a different default code.
- Note: Where a user may be listed as both a user and a producer the user code will be retained and the producer code will be marked inactive in Newton. Newton only uses a single code whether the position is sales or support.
- Options
- Converted directly using the codes from 360.
- Transaction Codes
- Transaction codes do not employ a cross-reference list as they are relatively standard and are converted directly. (New, Renewal, Endt, Cancel, Etc.)