Vertafore – InStar
What is included in the conversion from InStar to Newton by Agency Systems? If it is not listed it is not converted!
- Clients
- Name, DBA, Address, City State Zip, Phone Numbers, Producer, CSR
- Client custom fields are converted into a note in Newton so this information is preserved
- Options
- Set Prospects Inactive
- Do Not convert Inactive clients and prospects.
- Client Contacts
- Contact Name, Email, Phone (Office, Home, Cell as available)
- We may create a contact from the client information in addition to normal contacts. The theory being it is easier to remove a contact than add one.
- Polices
- Basic policy information is common to all policies including effective/expiration dates, policy number, producer, class, transaction
- NOTE: Duplicate policy numbers are not allowed in Newton. Common quote numbers like TBA, Pending, TBD, etc. are changed to add a unique number to the existing number.
- Policy numbers shared among more than 1 client must be changed prior to conversion. Recommend adding the client number to the end of the policy number.
- Premium is populated in the Estimated Annualized Premium field in Newton.
- NOTE: This premium does not hit the general ledger
- Data will be converted going back 5 years
- Basic policy information is common to all policies including effective/expiration dates, policy number, producer, class, transaction
- Client Top Notes
- Top Notes are converted to a highlighted note in Newton
- Client Notes
- Appear in the Newton Basic Tab Activity for the past 13 months. Older items appear in the activity tab.
- If a policy is linked to the note it will be listed in the Basic Tab Activity and Policy Level.
- NOTE: For Wholesalers many items will not be attached to a policy. This will create a mess on conversion so we resolve this issue by attaching all documents, for which no policy is specified, to each policy for the named insured. This is limited to the cut off date for detailed information. Typically three years.
- Follow-Up
- Convert into Newton Suspense items by customer and maintain the open/closed status.
- Internal Email
- Convert into Newton Suspense. Open items are left open in Newton Suspense.
- Preserves correspondence between InStar users.
- Letters
- Converted to Newton Attachments as text files.
- Note: Form letters are not converted.
- NOTE: For Wholesalers many items will not be attached to a policy. This will create a mess on conversion so we resolve this issue by attaching all documents, for which no policy is specified, to each policy for the named insured. This is limited to the cut off date for detailed information. Typically three years.
- Converted to Newton Attachments as text files.
- EDocs/Attachments
- Documents attached to clients and policies, including email attachments, are converted to the Newton Attachments.
- Documents are linked to notes in Newton.
- Documents are converted only if attached to a customer or policy. Examples of items NOT converted would be ED0cs attached to a company or producer.
- IF attachment files or blobs are encrypted they must be decrypted by the vendor or cannot be converted.
- NOTE: For Wholesalers many items will not be attached to a policy. This will create a mess on conversion so we resolve this issue by attaching all documents, for which no policy is specified, to each policy for the named insured. This is limited to the cut off date for detailed information. Typically three years.
- Claims
- Basic claims information including claim notes and payment items are converted into Newton Claims.
- ACORD 125 (NOT included on wholesalers)
- Convert from InStar so that in addition to the Download Risk and Basic Tab Vehicles, Drivers, Property, and Equipment Schedule, applications can be created with the basic information.
- Download Risk (NOT included on wholesalers)
- We import the archived download files, for companies from which you currently download, which can be viewed under the DL Risk tab in Newton. In addition this information creates schedules, (drivers, vehicles, properties, coverage views) and can be used to create applications.
- We go back 3 years for this data if available.
- We create download risk files from the following ACORD apps.
- 126 General Liability
- 127 Business Auto
- 129 Vehicle Schedule
- 130 Workers Compensation
- 131 Commercial. Umbrella
- 137 Commercial Auto
- 140 Property
- 146 Equipment
- 160 Business Owners
- Note: This data, from InStar, does not match the AL3 standard so the data captured is basic and can vary widely between different agencies. Initial loads are recommended for carriers for which you are adding download functionality.
- Drivers, Vehicles, Property, Equipment (NOT included on wholesalers)
- We convert schedules of these items from all active policies to the Basic Tab in Newton with details like VIN, License, Name, Make, Model, Location, Insured Value, etc.
- This data can be used to fill applications.
- NOTE: Equipment is converted only from the ACORD 146 form. We do not convert any farm or personal lines forms. Schedules are the lists of items and do not include any liability limits.
- Miscellaneous Policy
- Converted into a Newton Remarks Sections attached to the basic policy information.
- Bonds
- Converted into a Newton Remarks Sections attached to the basic policy information.
- Certificates
- We do NOT convert each certificate; this is counter productive in the Newton system.
- We do convert each Master Certificate from InStar.
- We do convert each holder WITH special wording and attach to the policy. This allows you to create a single certificate and attach all the holders from a specific policy. Refer to training for more information.
Basic Setup Items
- Companies
- Name, Address, Phone Numbers
- All companies set to direct bill by default; Can set all companies to agency bill.
- Company Contacts converted if available
- Producer/Users
- Options
- Missing producers are defaulted to code “HOU” (House) You may specify a different default code.
- Options
- Class Codes/Line of Business
- Transaction Codes
Supplemental Literature
- Download Certificate in InStar Word docx or Certificates in InStar PDF
- Download Conversion Checklist Word Doc or PDF
- Download InStar Company help Word doc or PDF