InStar Workstation Update
The Workstation Update will reconfigure InStar to run in a more efficient architecture and will allow download of updates by your users specified in User Security, at any time.
We expect agencies to call EDI for assistance and are happy to schedule time to update your users. 877-277-6918.
System administrators see below for setting up users with security to download updates.
The next update of the EDI Enhanced library will present each user with a dialog to reconfigure the workstation. The user may opt to continue use of InStar in the current configuration however updates will be much more difficult to implement so we encourage everyone to take this update and reconfigure the individual workstations. Please call if you have questions or want someone standing by as you do this. 877-277-6918. For details of the change go to the bottom of this page. **This update will also put all users on InStar version 9.7.1 so if offered to backup your data please do so.
NOTE: For users running on Remote Desktop Server (Hosted, RDS) EDI will start the update and users can skip items noted in Red.
When you open InStar each user will be prompt to run the update. You may continue to run without the update. If you choose to run the update, the user will need to open InStar as an administrator. (Not necessary to run as admin if hosted) Most users will not do this the first time so select the button to shut down InStar and then restart running as Administrator.
To Start InStar as Administrator, simply right-click the shortcut, in resulting pop-up menu, select “Run As Administrator”. If you need an administrator password talk to your computer tech before starting this update. You may terminate this update at any time and continue running InStar in its existing configuration.
When running as Administrator you will most likely receive the following prompt, you must answer Yes to allow for the reconfiguration of the workstation.
The user will receive the following prompt in InStar. Read the prompt and proceed with the update IF you started InStar as an Administrator. (running as an administrator is necessary, ONLY IF NOT HOSTED, to allow the copying of files to the specified locations). If you are hosted/remote you do NOT need to run as administrator.
For the first user the system will download files to the Updates folder. Please let the files download or the update will fail. For subsequent users the system will detect the update files were downloaded and simply configure the workstation which is much faster. Skip this section if you do not see files being downloaded.
Now for a very critical part of the update. The system will open 2 windows, one in InStar and the other in Windows displaying a folder named 4314. DO NOT CLOSE the InStar “Check Permissions” window until you set the Security as follows on the 4314 folder below.
If you do make a mistake, no harm, just run the update again.
Locate the folder “4314” that was opened. Right Click the folder and select Properties. If you are hosted or remote just close the window, the settings were already set. Skip this section.
Click on the Security tab and Click Edit
In the resulting window locate your Windows User Name and/or the Users Group and Check in Modify Permissions. Then click OK until you close all the Windows Dialog windows and close the windows folder until you return to the InStar “Check Permissions” Dialog.
Navigate back to the “Check Permissions” window in InStar. Click OK to proceed. The system will finish setting up your workstation. Give it just a minute or two
Now you will receive this prompt, Click OK and InStar will close.
Find the InStar IUG Enhanced shortcut and start InStar in the new configuration. You are now ready for more updates which will be coming shortly.
Some of your visual settings may have changed. Readjust your InStar window size and it will be remembered going forward. You are all set for the next chapter in InStar.
Details of the Change in Configuration
- The Omnis.exe will be moved to run in a standard Windows configuration in the appropriate \Program Files folder. We will be making available a 64-bit version in the future.
- The libraries will be moved to the users Application Data folder. This will allow for better performance and checking to make sure the user is running on the correct version each time the user starts InStar.
- The data files and all other data will continue to be stored in the specified server folder.
Setting User Security to Allow Updates
There is a new setting in User Setup >> User Security for those users allowed to download updates. Make sure users tasked with downloading updates have this security setting.